The Wrangler NFR has basically been a personal playground for tie-down roper Caleb Smidt. The Bellville, Texas, cowboy has won world championships and NFR average crowns three times each in 2015, 2018 and 2021. Smidt was back in Vegas Thursday and was as good as ever, clocking a 7.5-second run to take the Round 1 title.
“It felt really good to get this win and start off the NFR this way,” Smidt said. “I was riding Pockets like have been the last seven years here. I have a great horse.”
Being an eight-time NFR qualifier and three-time world champ Smidt knows how to control his emotions on this big stage.
“It is just another rodeo; I try and stay thinking like that. I just keep trying to make good runs and I have a great support team with my family behind me,” Smidt said.
courtesy of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA)