A 1st Grade Teacher’s Top School Supply Pet Peeves
  • First grade teacher and TikToker Katie Alburger is calling out the over-the-top, distracting school supplies that make things tougher for teachers.
  • She shares a video of shopping in Target’s back-to-school section, where she points out the things parents should avoid, like snap bracelet rulers and colored, scented glue.
  • First grade teacher and TikToker Katie Alburger shares a video of shopping through Target’s school supply section, where she points out some over-the-top items that are bound to distract kids and make things harder on teachers. Parents may think these supplies are “better,” but Alburger says,
    “As a teacher, I’m here to tell you that the more basic you go, the more your teacher will appreciate it.” And she offers examples.
  • Source: Scary Mommy

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